Archive for March 4th, 2014

SOS: Sanity over Statins – CTT the house of statin secrets

8 by / on 4 Mar 2014, / in statins

Should a professional body, however eminent, be allowed to keep information about the safety of products they are supplying to public hidden so no one else can run tests on them? (Read more…)

SOS: Sanity over Statins – Sssssh Side effects, pharma’s fingers and a cunning plan

0 by / on 4 Mar 2014, / in statins

HealthInsightUK has a number of contributors who are experts in statins. Here three of them – Dr John Briffa, Zoë Harcombe and Aidan Goggins respond to the CTT investigation. They explain why side-effect data is unreliable and disagree about whether it is in the drug companies interest that the risk of side-effects is downplayed or is that part of cunning plan? (Read more…)

Current Posts – 04 Mar 2014

0 by / on 4 Mar 2014, / in editorial

Should many more of us […]

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