Post Tagged with: "B vitamins"

The drugs have failed. This is what could really help to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s.

2 by / on 10 Dec 2022, / in dementia, evidence based medicine, lifestyle medicine

By Jerome Burne There have […]

Drugs that promised to halt Alzheimer’s have all failed. So why is no one testing other options?

5 by / on 10 Sep 2020, / in dementia

By Jerome Burne Among those […]

Why we shouldn’t believe New Scientist’s claim that supplements don’t work

7 by / on 7 Sep 2014, / in dementia, vitamins

Vitamins are attacked as being ineffective and possibly dangerous a couple of times a year in the press, usually following a study in a medical journal. The implication is that it is better to stick to drugs that have been properly tested and found to be safe and effective.
And a dietician usually adds that you won’t be missing out if you avoid supplement because you can get all the minerals and vitamins you need from a “healthy balanced diet” (HBD)… (Read More…)

Myths about Alzheimer’s cures and what you can try instead

8 by / on 13 Apr 2014, / in dementia

Have you had one of those nasty moments recently when it is clear that your memory is failing? Confidently rushing up stairs to get something then realising you have no idea what it was; meeting someone you know perfectly well and being unable to remember their name. A few of these moments and a name that none of us forgets comes all too easily to mind: Alzheimer’s…. (Read more…)

Vitamins – a waste of money or victims of bad science?

9 by / on 13 Jan 2014, / in vitamins

One New Year tradition, along with wondering how you could have spent so much on so little, is making healthy resolutions which may involve some sort of supplement. As a nutritional therapist I’ve been helping people for years to handle chronic disorders and stay healthier by recommending specific nutritional supplements based on risk, coupled with substantial changes in people’s diet. There’s plenty of evidence it benefits people but there’s lots we still don’t know and new well-conducted research is always welcome. (Read More…)

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