lifestyle medicine

The drugs have failed. This is what could really help to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s.

2 by / on 10 Dec 2022, / in dementia, evidence based medicine, lifestyle medicine

By Jerome Burne There have […]

Medical crystal ball gazing. Reasons to be cheerful in 2020

4 by / on 11 Jan 2020, / in lifestyle medicine

By Jerome Burne Just as a […]

It’s the ecology stupid! What public health can learn from the battle to save the planet

0 by / on 25 Sep 2019, / in lifestyle medicine

By Jerome Burne At the recent […]

The great QOF fiasco. The untold story of the biggest public health experiment ever and how its failure was ignored.

12 by / on 14 May 2018, / in evidence based medicine, lifestyle medicine

By Jerome Burne The results of […]

Misery makers such as aching joints, headaches, tiredness and bloating, all respond to a radical new treatment – the Lifestyle Prescription.

17 by / on 5 Feb 2018, / in lifestyle medicine

I’m a GP in a busy city centre NHS surgery and my ambition is radically to change the kind of treatment you will be offered when you visit a GP anywhere in the UK. Eventually I’d like a ‘Lifestyle Prescription’ to become the first treatment most patients are offered.

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