evidence based medicine

The drugs have failed. This is what could really help to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s.

2 by / on 10 Dec 2022, / in dementia, evidence based medicine, lifestyle medicine

By Jerome Burne There have […]

The long march by patients to prove that the official treatment for ME/CFS was wrong and damaging. [Repost]

3 by / on 23 Dec 2020, / in evidence based medicine

By Jerome Burne  A long-running […]

Ssssh! HPV vaccine not perfect. A few criticisms might be OK

6 by / on 3 Mar 2020, / in evidence based medicine

By Jerome Burne It seems […]

Coronavirus: a reliable test is badly needed. We don’t have one

19 by / on 12 Feb 2020, / in evidence based medicine

By Jerome Burne Media coverage […]

Citizen researchers: fighting for truth about treatments

10 by / on 12 Sep 2019, / in evidence based medicine

By Jerome Burne Rufus Greenbaum, a […]

Artificial intelligence, grassroots rebels and the pharmaceutical cuckoo

6 by / on 25 Jul 2019, / in evidence based medicine

By Jerome Burne Theoretically, Artificial Intelligence […]

The claim that the cure for the crippling fatigue of ME/CFS was to change your mind always seemed bizarre. Now it really is on the way out…

14 by / on 22 Apr 2019, / in evidence based medicine

By Jerome Burne In September 2016 […]

Statin Deniers and Anti-Vaxxers. How political rhetoric is infecting medicine

15 by / on 9 Apr 2019, / in evidence based medicine

By Jerome Burne Last month I […]

QOF Fiasco 2: ’Immoral’ refusal to learn from mistakes

7 by / on 28 May 2018, / in evidence based medicine

By Jerome Burne Last week I […]

The great QOF fiasco. The untold story of the biggest public health experiment ever and how its failure was ignored.

12 by / on 14 May 2018, / in evidence based medicine, lifestyle medicine

By Jerome Burne The results of […]

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