Archive for August, 2014

Q & A: Almost totally bogus: the theory behind the low fat diet

2 by / on 31 Aug 2014, / in diabetes, low carb diet, low fat diet

Professor Richard Feinman is a biochemist who came late to nutrition. He was shocked by the poor quality of the science he found there. HIUK asked him about the background to his paper that calls for a major U-turn on the diet diabetics are advised to follow. (Read More…)

Twelve reasons why diabetes charities should ditch the low fat diet and recommend low carbs

8 by / on 31 Aug 2014, / in diabetes, low carb diet, low fat diet

If you know anything about nutrition, and especially if you have friends or people in your family with diabetes, you have probably wondered: Why are diabetics advised to follow a low fat diet?
It means you will eat lots of carbohydrates, which get turned into extra blood glucose. Odd surely when the key aim of diabetes treatment is to keep blood sugar low? … (Read More…)

Current Posts – 31 August 2014

by / on 31 Aug 2014, / in editorial

For decades diabetics have been […]

Keeping my dad alert: an unconventional and successful approach to dementia

14 by / on 20 Aug 2014, / in dementia

When my father was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia (which affects a different part of the brain from Alzheimer’s) a couple of years ago, his consultant advised my wife and me that there was no conventional medicine which could treat his condition. When we asked what we could do instead, her suggestion that we could explore “alternative” treatments … (Read More…)

Current Posts – 20 August 2014

by / on 20 Aug 2014, / in editorial

If you are caring for […]

Why evidence based medicine needs a major upgrade

5 by / on 3 Aug 2014, / in evidence based medicine

For years anyone involved in any kind of non-drug therapies has faced accusations that without the support of randomised clinical trials (RCTs) they lack an evidence base and so their work is worthless, quite possibly dangerous and even fraudulent.
That might be reasonable if the RCT was an accurate and reliable method for gathering an evidence base for all forms of treatment. (Read More…)

Current Posts – 03 August 2014

by / on 3 Aug 2014, / in editorial

Do you treat people in […]

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