Archive for November, 2014

The hidden cause of costly vitamin deficiency among older people

4 by / on 21 Nov 2014, / in evidence based medicine, vitamins

A new, as yet unpublished, study shows that the elderly are very likely to seriously lack vitamin D, raising their risk of broken bones. What’s more care homes rarely offer supplements. Making the situation even worse are the cocktails of prescription drugs that many of these patients swallow daily.

Current Posts – 21 November 2014

by / on 21 Nov 2014, / in editorial

Ignorance and suspicion surround the […]

Current Posts – 13 November 2014

by / on 13 Nov 2014, / in editorial

Friday 14 Dec 2014 is […]

High fat low carb diet for diabetes: A GP’s tale

100 by / on 13 Nov 2014, / in low carb diet

A few years ago Dr David Unwin stumbled upon the website for patients with diabetes, fairly easily confused with the official diabetes charity site. It was a revelation. “It had over 100,000 members and one of the most popular topics was the low carb high fat diet,” he says.

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