Archive for November, 2015

Why heart doctors will soon get fooled again

5 by / on 17 Nov 2015, / in statins

That old adage ‘Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me’ looks like a perfect description of why the heart disease establishment should be hanging its collective head. Having totally bought into one cholesterol-lowering class of drug – statins – it now looks ready to open its arms and pockets equally wide to embrace a new improved more powerful son of statin drug – the PCSK9 inhibitors – that will drive that deadly fatty stuff right to the floor.

Current Posts – 17 Nov 2015 – 2nd Post

by / on 17 Nov 2015, / in editorial

Clever marketing made a major […]

The doctor who came to stay. Treating chronic disease by tackling the cause

5 by / on 17 Nov 2015, / in low carb diet

Given this blog’s commitment to tackling chromic disease by helping people change their lifestyle, I was delighted to discover that the BBC 1 was devoting its prime time 9.00 slot to a three part series about passionate young GP, Dr Rangan Chatterjee, who goes to stay with patients and turns their unhealthy lifestyle around.

Current Posts – 17 Nov 2015

by / on 17 Nov 2015, / in editorial

Just over two years ago […]

Current Posts – 03 Nov 2015

by / on 3 Nov 2015, / in editorial

Much of the discussion around […]

The sugar tax: a beacon of hope for tackling chronic disease

7 by / on 3 Nov 2015, / in low carb diet

The sugar tax is obviously a very sensible idea but it’s much more than that. It’s prophetic, it’s a sign of a major change, it’s the swallow that could be heralding a medical summer. The tax is shorthand for a long running battle around what is a healthy diet, which turns out to be about a lot more than just diet.

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