
Current Posts – 22 Jan 2014

0 by / on 22 Jan 2014, / in editorial

Modern medicine’s authority depends on […]

Vitamins – a waste of money or victims of bad science?

9 by / on 13 Jan 2014, / in vitamins

One New Year tradition, along with wondering how you could have spent so much on so little, is making healthy resolutions which may involve some sort of supplement. As a nutritional therapist I’ve been helping people for years to handle chronic disorders and stay healthier by recommending specific nutritional supplements based on risk, coupled with substantial changes in people’s diet. There’s plenty of evidence it benefits people but there’s lots we still don’t know and new well-conducted research is always welcome. (Read More…)

Current Posts – 13 Jan 2014

0 by / on 7 Jan 2014, / in editorial

Are supplements a waste of […]

Companies claim drugs’ side effects are commercial secrets

1 by / on 7 Jan 2014, / in evidence based medicine

One of the comforting myths about the powerful drugs used in modern medicine is that they are prescribed on the basis of good scientific evidence. Proper randomised clinical trials, we are regularly assured, compare them with a placebo and the results can tell us which are safe and effective.
However this is an illusion. For nearly thirty years drug experts have known that there was a major flaw in this assumption, which doctors and the agencies set up to regulate drugs have chosen largely to ignore. (Read more…)

Current Posts – 07 Jan 2014

0 by / on 7 Jan 2014, / in editorial

Non-drug ways of preventing or […]

A guided tour around the statin wonderland

20 by / on 16 Dec 2013, / in statins

For years official advice on how best to protect yourself from heart disease has been wonderfully simplistic: high levels of ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol are the major cause, so cut your risk by lowering LDL cholesterol production as much as possible with statin drugs.
Now it turns out that this advice was wrong. Not just according to long-term statin critics but it’s admitted by drug companies themselves. (Read more…)

Current Posts – 16 Dec 2013

0 by / on 16 Dec 2013, / in editorial

Official policy on statins is […]

SACN or Sack ‘em: the committee that’s confused about carbs

35 by / on 28 Nov 2013, / in low carb diet

About ten years ago for various personal reasons I became interested in the benefits of an Atkins-type low carbohydrate diet. I read a lot of research material, talked to many experts and became convinced that the advice to follow a low fat/high carbohydrate diet has been disastrous for our national health. (Read more…)

Current Posts – 28 Nov 2013

0 by / on 28 Nov 2013, / in editorial

With winter well and truly here none of us will be getting any vitamin D from the sun for four to five months. Unfortunately. writes Dr Oliver Gillie, we also won’t be getting clear evidence-based advice from the government on safe sun exposure. (Read more…)

Great caution and profound shame

14 by / on 21 Nov 2013, / in vitamins

News that the Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies, is “profoundly ashamed” at the return of rickets is greatly encouraging. Rickets, the bone disease of children, is only one of dozens of diseases associated with, or known to be caused by, insufficient vitamin D in early life. At last it seems the risks of vitamin D deficiency are being taken seriously. (Read more…}

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