Post Tagged with: "Alzheimer’s disease"

Prevention is the best way of tackling Alzheimer’s. So why is it being ignored and discredited?

12 by / on 8 Feb 2016, / in dementia

We all agree that Alzheimer’s is a dreadful disease and something has to be done about it because there’s no treatment and it’s costing billions. So prevention would be a good idea, wouldn’t it, especially since if it works it would both cut your risk and save vast amounts of money.

Myths about Alzheimer’s cures and what you can try instead

8 by / on 13 Apr 2014, / in dementia

Have you had one of those nasty moments recently when it is clear that your memory is failing? Confidently rushing up stairs to get something then realising you have no idea what it was; meeting someone you know perfectly well and being unable to remember their name. A few of these moments and a name that none of us forgets comes all too easily to mind: Alzheimer’s…. (Read more…)

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