Post Tagged with: "diabetes type 2"

SACN or Sack ‘em: the committee that’s confused about carbs

35 by / on 28 Nov 2013, / in low carb diet

About ten years ago for various personal reasons I became interested in the benefits of an Atkins-type low carbohydrate diet. I read a lot of research material, talked to many experts and became convinced that the advice to follow a low fat/high carbohydrate diet has been disastrous for our national health. (Read more…)

Bad Medicine: Diabetic Medication

10 by / on 3 Oct 2013, / in evidence based medicine, low carb diet

Type 2 diabetes is a modern plague largely brought on by lifestyle and is considered a progressive, non-reversible condition. The polypharmacy of chronic disease is the drug industry’s lottery win, and no more so than in diabetes, with new drugs and the increasing use of analogue insulin in type 2 diabetes worth tens of billions of pounds worldwide.

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