Post Tagged with: "EAT WELL plate"

Meet a doctor who thinks for herself and wants you to as well

21 by / on 29 Apr 2016, / in evidence based medicine

The complicated and confusing debate about statins – are they worth taking or not; are they safe or do they have nasty side effect? – has suddenly plunged into anarchic and uncharted territory by the claims of a new rival drug.

SACN or Sack ‘em: the committee that’s confused about carbs

35 by / on 28 Nov 2013, / in low carb diet

About ten years ago for various personal reasons I became interested in the benefits of an Atkins-type low carbohydrate diet. I read a lot of research material, talked to many experts and became convinced that the advice to follow a low fat/high carbohydrate diet has been disastrous for our national health. (Read more…)

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