Post Tagged with: "high dose B vitamins"

Prevention is the best way of tackling Alzheimer’s. So why is it being ignored and discredited?

12 by / on 8 Feb 2016, / in dementia

We all agree that Alzheimer’s is a dreadful disease and something has to be done about it because there’s no treatment and it’s costing billions. So prevention would be a good idea, wouldn’t it, especially since if it works it would both cut your risk and save vast amounts of money.

Policy on Alzheimer’s: sure we want a cure, just so long as it’s not cheap

18 by / on 6 Aug 2015, / in dementia

Do you believe there is a new drug for Alzheimer’s just over the horizon? That there is no truth in the popular idea that B vitamins might cut your risk of getting this dreadful disease?
Well you are wrong on both counts but it’s not your fault, you’ve quite reasonably fallen for some very sophisticated marketing. Let me explain.

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