Post Tagged with: "metabolic syndrome"

Low fat blinkers keep low carbs in the cold. Time for a coalition.

8 by / on 22 Jan 2018, / in low carb diet

If the low carb diet was a political party, it should be now be close to forming a government. Its story mirrors that of actual parties – founded decades ago, it was small for a long time, languishing on the fringes of respectability; its policies were dismissed as untested and possibly dangerous by the low-fat ruling party which had close links to big business.

Healthy Eating: The Big Mistake by Dr Verner Wheelock with Marika Sboros (Columbus Publishing £12.99)

3 by / on 8 Jan 2018, / in low carb diet

‘I wish they’d make up their minds,’ you may find yourself muttering if you don’t follow healthy eating debates all that closely. ‘One moment they tell us to stop eating butter and eggs on pain of having a heart attack and to have marge and no more than an egg a week.

So you’ve survived cancer – that’s only the beginning

11 by / on 28 Feb 2014, / in cancer

Like returning soldiers cancer survivors are usually given some sort of victory celebration. But as with soldiers for far too many that is just the beginning of a new and much more lonely set of personal battles. About a quarter of cancer survivors – 500.000 people in the UK – are dealing with the long term fall out from their treatment. (Read more…)

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