Post Tagged with: "nutrition"

The drugs have failed. This is what could really help to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s.

2 by / on 10 Dec 2022, / in dementia, evidence based medicine, lifestyle medicine

By Jerome Burne There have […]

Doctors can only tackle chronic disease with the right tools. Teach them nutrition

5 by / on 16 Jun 2016, / in evidence based medicine

Here’s a really bad idea. Send a dozen nutritionists to work alongside regular doctors in a Medecins Sans Frontières team providing emergency treatment to the wounded in a war zone. It’s a bad idea because they would lack any relevant skills. They might help speed up recovery but in the operating theatre they’d be be worse than useless as the wounded come in.

So you’ve survived cancer – that’s only the beginning

11 by / on 28 Feb 2014, / in cancer

Like returning soldiers cancer survivors are usually given some sort of victory celebration. But as with soldiers for far too many that is just the beginning of a new and much more lonely set of personal battles. About a quarter of cancer survivors – 500.000 people in the UK – are dealing with the long term fall out from their treatment. (Read more…)

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