Post Tagged with: "Professor David Smith"

Drugs that promised to halt Alzheimer’s have all failed. So why is no one testing other options?

5 by / on 10 Sep 2020, / in dementia

By Jerome Burne Among those […]

Vitamins – a waste of money or victims of bad science?

9 by / on 13 Jan 2014, / in vitamins

One New Year tradition, along with wondering how you could have spent so much on so little, is making healthy resolutions which may involve some sort of supplement. As a nutritional therapist I’ve been helping people for years to handle chronic disorders and stay healthier by recommending specific nutritional supplements based on risk, coupled with substantial changes in people’s diet. There’s plenty of evidence it benefits people but there’s lots we still don’t know and new well-conducted research is always welcome. (Read More…)

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