Post Tagged with: "Professor Richard Feinman"

Why high fat diet studies on rats and mice are not to be trusted

18 by / on 5 Jan 2015, / in low carb diet

Over the past year I have been wondering whether there is something deeply flawed about research into the effects of high fat diets on rats and mice, done presumably to clarify the effects on humans. The rodent work consistently tells us that high fat diets make you fat and diabetic, while research on humans finds they do the opposite. What is going on?

Q & A: Almost totally bogus: the theory behind the low fat diet

2 by / on 31 Aug 2014, / in diabetes, low carb diet, low fat diet

Professor Richard Feinman is a biochemist who came late to nutrition. He was shocked by the poor quality of the science he found there. HIUK asked him about the background to his paper that calls for a major U-turn on the diet diabetics are advised to follow. (Read More…)

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