Post Tagged with: "Zoe Harcombe"

Diet war veterans last stand. Recent saturated fat attack a blast from the past

14 by / on 23 Jun 2017, / in evidence based medicine, low fat diet

Last week a ‘Presidential Advisory Statement’ about saturated fat from the American Heart Association (AHA) produced a ‘you cannot be serious’ reaction from anyone who has looked at the evidence for the theory that saturated fat raises the risk of heart disease.

Statins: just say no. Sensible reasons why they are stupid medicine

10 by / on 17 Feb 2014, / in statins

Increasingly people are questioning whether it’s worth taking statins, the cholesterol-lowering drugs that are supposed to cut your risk of developing heart disease. We think they are a really bad idea, unless you’ve already got heart disease, and have explained why… (Read more…)

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