Current Posts – 22 Mar 2016

The link between suicide, anti-depressant SSRIs and children was first made public over ten years ago. We don’t need to worry though, say the experts, because children only get the safest sort of SSRI – Prozac. But is Prozac really any safer? Documents sent recently to HIUK suggest that Prozac’s superior safety is a myth based on spin and misrepresentation. Prozac needs an independent investigation. Read more…

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Alzheimer’s charities have fallen victim to a serious case of cognitive dissonance. They pay lip service to the importance of prevention while spending the bulk of their funds on drug research. Meanwhile they support trials on the most promising non-drug treatment that seems either to reveal lamentable ignorance of nutrition or are designed to fail. Time the Alzheimer’s community to stop donating and start demanding. Read more…

Industries stop putting customers first and increasingly promote their own interests when regulation is too weak. The banks effects on our finances and the ramping up of global warming by the oil and gas industries are just two examples. Evidence based medicine that should regulate treatments is allowing bad drugs in and keeping promising diabetes and cancer treatments out. Time for a grass roots revolution.

The long running battle high fat vs a low fat diet is hotting up. A new study has just found that low carbs can reverse the killer condition fatty liver disease, yet dietitians who recommend eating in this way face being run out of their profession, charged with using bogus science. Is this the way evidence-based medicine should be practiced or are dietitians clinging to a theory of healthy eating that needs drastic revision?



Editor: Jerome Burne |

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