Current Posts – 12 Feb 2020

The threat of the new coronavirus is growing as deaths and the number infected rise. But attempts to control the epidemic are being hampered by an unreliable test. It can show people as infected when they aren’t and give infected people the all-clear. This makes quarantining less effective and means healthy people will get dangerous and unnecessary treatments. Trials that could improve the test are not being done. [Read the post…]

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If you are interested in cholesterol, either because you want to hammer yours right down or because you would never allow any chemical to tamper with your personal levels, then this post is for you. The go-low group will be keen to know more about the new injectable (only twice a year) super son of statins. The hands-off brigade will be interested to learn just how dodgy this new product is. [Read the post…]

There’s plenty to be gloomy about, so here’s an antidote. Events from last year that might just make medicine less focused on drugs and more on patients. They include a way to get research done on promising non-drug treatments that won’t make a fortune, doctors who are challenging drug regulators to do their job properly and a discovery about the placebo that changes everything. [Read the post…]

Are you convinced by the evidence that cholesterol-lowering statins cut the risk of heart disease? If you’re not, it begs the questions: is the problem the drug or the target? Could cholesterol, in fact, be innocent? That’s the startling conclusion by GP Dr Malcolm Kendrick after years of medical sleuthing and diving deep into biochemistry. This is the first nutshell version for the regular reader of what he’s found. [Read the post…]




Editor: Jerome Burne |

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