Articles by: Jane FeinmannJane Feinmann

Official Eatwell Guide a disaster yet supporters refuse to discuss the obvious low carb alternative

35 by / on 13 Apr 2017, / in low carb diet

Three events I have attended in the last month highlight the fact that the Government’s Eatwell Guide is not just clearly unhealthy but indefensibly so.

Time For Diabetes UK To Unplug Ears and Respond To Chorus Of Disapproval Demanding U-Turn

25 by / on 29 Sep 2015, / in evidence based medicine, low carb diet

How much longer can the charity Diabetes UK continue to provide advice on diet to the UK’s 3.9 million people with type 2 diabetes that is based on the discredited Seven Countries Study carried out by Ancel Keys back in the 1940s? The urgency of this question cannot be overstated.

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