Archive for 2013

Editorial – 6 Nov 2013

0 by / on 6 Nov 2013, / in editorial

This week we bring you a shocking warning about a new danger linked with statins. Did you know that they stimulate the production of something called P9 which can not only damage the liver but also actually makes statins less effective? Nor did we. (Read more…)

Why demonising fat is daft…

10 by / on 30 Oct 2013, / in low carb diet

Last week the British Medical Journal carried a stinging indictment of decades of dietary advice. ‘Scientific evidence shows that advice to reduce saturated fat intake’ wrote cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, (Saturated fat is not the major issue) ‘has paradoxically increased our cardiovascular risks.’ The article was picked up by UK newspapers and others around the world even though he wasn’t saying anything new. (Read more…)

Statin trials: exaggerating benefits and ignoring the harm

1 by / on 30 Oct 2013, / in statins

The ‘Cochrane Collaboration’ is an international collective of researchers whose self-proclaimed role is to provide accurate and robust appraisals of health interventions. The group specialises in ‘meta-analyses’: the grouping together of several similar studies on interventions including drug therapies…


0 by / on 30 Oct 2013, / in editorial

It’s been a great week […]


0 by / on 18 Oct 2013, / in editorial

Welcome to the debut of […]

Starving cancer: why it makes sense.

20 by / on 6 Oct 2013, / in cancer

How about this for a crazy, irresponsible idea? If you’ve got cancer, cut the amount of carbohydrates you are eating down to no more than 25 grams a day (that’s just under an ounce) as a way shrinking the tumour and boosting your health into the bargain. (read more…)

Statins do not help you live longer. They do more harm than good

12 by / on 4 Oct 2013, / in statins

Dr Kendrick has been warning about the almost total lack of effectiveness of statin drugs for over a decade during which time the number of prescriptions written for these drugs in England alone has more than doubled from from 25 million to over 50 million. (read more…)

How the British Heart Foundation chose to ignore clear evidence of the dangers of stanols for cholesterol lowering

6 by / on 4 Oct 2013, / in evidence based medicine

Last month, I wrote a blog post about how there was no evidence that cholesterol-lowering ‘stanols’ and ‘sterols’ (found in some margarines and other ‘functional foods’) have benefits for health. In fact, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) whose job it is to assess the effectiveness of treatments, have explicitly stated: “People should not routinely be recommended to take plant sterols and stanols for the primary prevention of [cardiovascular disease].”

Bad Medicine: Diabetic Medication

10 by / on 3 Oct 2013, / in evidence based medicine, low carb diet

Type 2 diabetes is a modern plague largely brought on by lifestyle and is considered a progressive, non-reversible condition. The polypharmacy of chronic disease is the drug industry’s lottery win, and no more so than in diabetes, with new drugs and the increasing use of analogue insulin in type 2 diabetes worth tens of billions of pounds worldwide.

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